Thursday, July 19, 2007

Me, Myself, and I

Stephen Harper

The title is, as with most things I come up with, not original. Where I got it from was Joan Armatrading. She is a wonderful singer/song writer I have been tracking with for multiple years whom no one has ever heard of. All that to say, let’s be clear here; What I have to write is about me, for me, and mostly to reflect well on me. Even when you say bad stuff about yourself people think it self deprecating and transparent and therefore it reflects well on yourself. What they very often fail to realize is that the bad stuff is true. Truer than most.

I’ve been fretting for days. A young woman called here wanting to bring in a handful of kids to see the radio station. This is horrible on several fronts the first of which is how …… underwhelming the facilities are. There’s like a computer that plays stuff and this cable takes it out to the transmitter. Viola’! The second front is my previous sentence. That’s pretty much how I’ll come off to these kids. Yeah, I’m a regular Mr. Rogers. “This is the neighborhood, these people do stuff, there’s some cookies, here I am punching my time card. Come back again.” Kids scare me. Truthfully, people in general scare me. Y’know, they look at you and, and they say stuff and they want you to respond. My name is Stephen and I am an introvert. I was social for three months but slipped into avoidance last week and double-locked all my doors. And let me tell ya it’s no picnic putting bolt locks on your car doors. Which explains the plywood in my car windows. Anyway, most people don’t know that about me. I stand in the back and greet people. I didn’t say I dislike people I just am retarded in social situations. Especially with people I don’t know. Little people exist to make me sweat. So they are to arrive this afternoon and I’m freaked. I am beseeching the gods …… yeah, in desperation I wouldn’t mind Zeus striking out with some lighting and whatnot. Vishnu getting all impersonal all over their tiny tushies. Part of that prayer is please, please, please have Bill stay here with me. Have him with no other appointments. Have Bill exist to meet my needs.

While I am pacing the phone rings and it’s Linda telling me that Tom Myashiro just called from an ambulance. Amy just went down with a seizure. They thought they were past the complications from her brain tumors. The righteous in me rears and I focus. My heart prays, my countenance slips. Within the hour Bill arrives and I swear to all that is holy you will never believe what was first out of my mouth. “Dude, are you going to be here this afternoon?” after my fears dissipate I remember something …… what was that? Oh yeah ………. Oh …. Yeah. One can never imagine how diminished a person can feel when he FOLLOWS that first sentence with, “….. ahhh, yeah, I just remembered ….. “. A notch below a child molester. Hitler and I sharing drinks.

The truth just plain sucks. All this to benefit what? I have been with God as long as I can remember. When I look back I sometimes see regression. When I behave this badly I wonder. I’ve been telling people the past few years that the word, grace, is looming larger that ever in my life. On days such as this it is a freakin’ exploding zeppelin crashing down as I scatter and stumble in between the burning bits. Me, Myself, I. “Oh, the humanity”. Another stolen line.

*note: Amy is home from the hospital now and okay. Continue praying.


batgirl said...

Steve, Mr. Rogers could never pull off that hair-do and I can't picture you in a cardigan, but you ARE one h*ll of a neighbor:)
You know why we love your posts? Because we can relate. Why can we relate? Because we are all just as sinful and in need of grace. And praise God, He is willing to keep pooring it out on us stupid sheep. And better yet, He uses us in our weakness-- on the radio, on the blog, giving hugs in the back of the church... I hope the short people went easy on you:) God bless!

ellehasuly said...

Yes, Steve...
I do hope the little people took it easy on you for the station tour...
Thanks for sharing a slice of your humanity with us. I concur with Janet: I think we have found more than a few patches of common ground between the lines of your posts.

Take a cup o'joy,
...two hugs...
...and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven...

Love ya,

Unknown said...

Just think...with the simplicity with which the station is may inspire one or more of those little people to do the same as you do and this will then, in turn bring the gospel message to more people.(If it was complex and overwhelming then they may be intimidated to attempt it) We think our offering is so little, so weak...but as you pointed out His grace is sufficient as His STRENGTH is made PERFECT in our weakness. The weaker we are all the better in the Lord's view. I am therefore one of those vessels through which His strength is extremely perfect. Thanks for your openness. Your posts are a blessing.

batgirl said...

Ha! I should tell Joe this is his opportunity to get you back for all those sound bites of him you like to play out of context. Now he can quote you:

"The truth just plain sucks."
Steve Harper

But I hear ya. The truth ABOUT US sucks. The truth about Jesus rocks!

Robert said...

Most of what you have said, we all can relate to. We all have days of terror and days of down right self pity. In fact most days we go through self doubt. With out those days we would
not realize that it is God who pushes us through.
Some times kicking and screaming. But getting to the other side is the blessing.
Then of course the next bump in the road is just ahead of us. And it starts again. I love Jesus.

ellehasuly said...


Preach it, brother! His love is amazing...

Listen to your sisters when we say that we can relate to what you have laid out on the screen. Rock on with your blessed self...

I absolutely love the reference to Mr. Rogers. Your point was expressed beautifully. Thanks for your touch of pepper...

I love where you take my focus with your comment. Rock on with your blessed self, sister! I am finished.

joy and hummus,

Anonymous said...

Yeah Steve, what they said. It's true, you are a pant pooper, you poopey head. Speaking from experience, all the "I'm the same way stuff" doesn't really cut it when within this rotting vessel beats a heart that has eternity placed in it which means there's an innate knowing that you suck. And as you previously stated, there He is with that love gunk He just keeps pouring on your filth, which strangely enough only makes you feel worse which quite frankly I think is the intent of the entire exercise. Personally, I think you should just ask Bill to break out the taser again. There's nothing like self-inflicted torture to make it all better.
Love, Judy

Anonymous said...


With a friend I can smile
But with love
I can really laugh

Now if I can feel the sun
In my eyes
and the rain on my face
Why can't I feel love?
really love, really love, really love, really love

Joan Armatrading
(you are not the only one)

lady.shiv said...

Man oh man, it's good to have you writing again.
i know you may not enjoy hearing this when i'm relating to what you think to be your downfalls, but... dang. i am so your daughter.

ellehasuly said...

Sir Steve,

My last comment to your piece was woefully inadequate, I am afraid...
Such a slice of who you are laid out on the screen. Yeah, you must've been feeling a little chilly over there:). God makes introverts because extroverts need the balance! Rejoice in how He made you when it is possible. When it is not possible(or chosen), then rest assured that we love you just the way you are.
Have a cup o'joy, and a fresh taste of the bread of heaven.