Thursday, October 11, 2007


Lynne Hasuly

He will create a heart that's new
among the brambled mass
of past attemtps
at being "strong" apart from
embracing arms.

The stretch of His arms
loosened the grace;
given through the blood;
the river of life...
pouring over flesh to
cover the sins of the world.

This day retains the joy that came
when death turned into life...
a ressurection in our hearts
of His eternal life...

The bride of Christ we'll be that day;
shimmering in the realm of glory;
without spot or human wrinkle;
no foible to shortchange the stores of heaven.

Joy of heaven,
stuff of earth;
divine touching mortal;
glory's flame opened up the path to
heaven's portal...


batgirl said...

glorious subject matter, put into words so well. thanks for putting my mind on miraculous things:)

ellehasuly said...

I have been trying to refocus my gaze these days because the earth-bound stuff hits me in the face like a brick. God is in control, yes I know. The devil is in the details, in and day out the same issues reappear and nettle me.The writing is as a balm.

ellehasuly said...

You're welcome, by the way...:).


Unknown said...

Lovely reminder that "He who began a good work in me shall Himself bring it to completion." Thanks Lynne.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait 'til there's no foible in me to shortchange heaven. (Love that!) I like the admission in there that it's us, not Him that causes the lack. Keep the veil thin, Lynn!

ellehasuly said...

If I had a dime for every day that I have "stepped in it" I would be living off of my bank account. If it were left in my hands, I would fumble the ball and slip on my own shoelaces in mid-stride. I am not graceful; and common sense doesn't always slip into gear in time to keep me from making a fool out of myself. Thankfully, the Lord knows all of this and still loves me. Whew...

ellehasuly said...

...and thanks, ladies for your gracious comments. It is nice to know I have communicated what I had set out to communicate. It still amazes me the way this stuff just falls out of me onto the page or screen. I have hope yet that I won't end up asking one of you some day if you want fries with that burger...

Anonymous said...

Do not speak fast-food futures over yourself, God obviously has better for you. He didn't give you this gift for nothing. Publish girl, publish. What have you got to lose by trying? "You don't recieve because you don't ask". I'll be first in line for that first addition copy. Signed, of course! Or perhaps to music, who knows. With God, all things are possible.

P.S. I love "Sunshine On Shadow". You have a way of making even war sound lovely. Penetrating gaze of light on darkness' fingers. Another one I'll have to get over not having written!

ellehasuly said...

The Lord gave me Sunshine on Shadow during the Harkness gathering. I wrote about 20 pages in that small blue notebook. The spigot was flowing and all I had to do was sit down under that tree and let 'er rip. I'm glad you are being blessed by what the Lord is giving me. What else is better than that? Don't slip into jealousy, either...I don't have your soul in my voice....