Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Eyes of God

We have had a 7-year-old visiting us for awhile. It is hard to believe that our own children were so small not that long ago.
The questions and wonder are endless. He has large eyes for this world. And big questions. Just like us.
In a letter from a family member who was just experiencing the joy of being grandparents, another member of the family told them, "NOW you know how God feels for us".

Enjoy this day.


batgirl said...

And Jesus said we ought to be like children-- full of wonder, full of questions and faith, taking it for granted we are loved...

Unknown said...

I'm with you, Janet. God is our Hebrew this means Daddy. May we all know our Daddy and His great love for us.

ellehasuly said...

This was such a sweet post. Thanks for sharing it, Robert.

Have a cup o'joy,